[알고리즘] 알고리즘 개요 (수정)
- [ CS기초 ]/알고리즘
- 2021. 12. 20.
0. Analysis of Algorithms
1. Search
1-1. Sequential Search
1-2. Binary Search
1-3. Static Searching - Binary Search Tree
1-4. Dynamic Searching - B-tree
1-5. Hashing
2. Sorting
2-1. Selections Sort
2-2. Bubble Sort, Exchange Sort
2-3. Insertion Sort
2-4. Merge Sort
2-5. QuickSort
2-6. HeapSort
2-7. Counting Sort
2-8. Radix Sort
3. Matrix Multiplication - Strassen's
4. Dynamic Programming
4-1. Binomial Coefficient
4-2. Shortest Path Problem
4-3. Floyd's Algorithm
4-4. Chained Matrix Multiplication
4-5. Optimal Binary Search Tree
4-6. Traveling SalesPerson Problem
5. Greedy Approach
5-1. Minimum Spanning Tree
5-2. Prim's Algorithm
5-3. Kruskal's Algorithm
5-4. Dijkstra Algorithm
5-5. Knapsack Problem
6. Backtracking
6-1. n-Queens Problem
6-2. Sum of Subsets
6-3. Graph Coloring
6-4. 01 knapsack Problem // dp에 들어가는게 맞는것같은데 여기서는 promising조건만 검사하는 백트래킹으로 설명했네..
7. Branch and Bound
7-1. Traveling Salesperson Problem
-> 21년 2학기 배운 알고리즘 index
1. 기본: Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue, Deque, HashMap, String
2. 초급: PriorityQueue(완전탐색)
3. 중급: BinarySearch, DFS, BFS, Recursion
4. 고급: DP, Graph
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